Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Fun at the library

Question One. What did I learn about researching while we were at the library?
Truthfully, I there wasn't a whole lot talked about at the library that I didn't already know. One thing I did learn was that we can use various search engines to research individual books, and get feedback as well as a book summary on specific books and not have to read them first.

Question Two. What concerns do I still have about my paper?
I think that my biggest concern would have to be that I bit off more than I can chew. I have a somewhat broad topic. It has to do with the American Internment of American citizens of Japanese descent/ ancestry. When I picked this topic I knew nothing about it, in fact I thought it was the American imprisonment of Chinese Americans during World War I. Now that I have done quite a bit of reading and have jotted down my own notes I don't know where to start. Although I do think that I will learn a lot while writing this paper. I also am concerned about how long it will take, but I am going to put forth the utmost effort to make it a very informative paper.

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