Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Spring Break

Wednesday March Fifth at 4 o'clock marked the beginning of Cody's spring break. As he left his Speech class he thought of what the night would bring. The first thing on his mind was that the plans that he and his friends had made to go to North Carolina had fallen through. On his walk back to his truck he decided that he was going to get in touch with his friend Frederich Miller, whom he hadn't hung out with in a couple weeks. Frederich always seemed to put him in a good mood. He is the sort of guy who doesn't have to say anything, but somehow makes you realize what you are thinking yourself. That night Cody, Frederich, Bean, and some other friends got together, and rambled on about school, work, and anything else that came to mind of coarse Fred worked his magic in lightening the mood to a once again uneventful spring break.
Over the coarse of spring break Cody and Fred got along quite well. Unfortunately for Fred break has now come to an end, and now Cody will once again only talk to him on weekends and the nights before Holidays.

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