Monday, March 17, 2008

The Fam

I guess I really don't have any particular story I would like to tell about my family or any member thereof, but instead I will just tell about them.
My parents started their lives in very different settings. My Dad was born in 1950 in a small town called Mt. Lake. He was born the son of a mechanic and a stay at home mom. My mom was born in the heart of Minneapolis. She also had a stay at home mom, but her dad was a factory worker.
I have two brothers. One is older and one is younger. My older brother, Chad, is the pioneer of brothers. Meaning that he was the leader, as well he should have been being the oldest. He was the first to listen to music that mom and dad didn't, and he sometimes got in trouble for his musical likes. He was also the first of our generation to join the army. Since then he has been the first to get married, and will soon become the first brother to have a baby.
Then with progression my younger brother and I have made changes to Chads pioneering taken our own paths.
I also joined the Army, but changed Chads model by going to college.
Then Chris instead of going into the army decided to go to college right away, and changed my example by going to a private college.
All in all I am very proud of my family, and where we have all gone with our lives. My family means more to me now than they did while I was growing up, and I hope that stays the same or gets stronger until the day I hit the dirt.

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