Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Free!!!! Oh my gosh. For anyone who wants to dress their skinny little ferret up to be the cutest little ugly thing they have ever seen.
I just think that its funny what one person might think that another person wants, and the fact that there is more than likely someone out there who actually does want it.
I am not someone who would maybe use anything for a ferret, but I do my fair share of buying and selling on ebay and craigslist. I have sold and bought a car online, and bought anything as small as a lavalier. I think that the online craze of buying and selling is great, and makes the whole world, or just a ferret outfit, assessable to anyone who wants it.

Monday, April 28, 2008


I thought that the video was interesting, not so much referring to the people, but rather the style of living in another country. I liked seeing the etiquette, manners, attitude, body language, and the manner in which they lived. Although I didn't really like the fact that we didn't get to see where he went with his music or if it worked out for him. The music wasn't really my taste, but as far as that goes. To each his own. The filmography was pretty good, I thought. I liked the fact that I couldn't tell if it was acting or if they were actually a part of what was going on. I also really liked how she played the piano. This is really all I can come up with on this film.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

My Favorite Toy

It's funny to me that the first thing that came to mind for me was an old 1970 Opel GT that my dad had sitting in the garage. The look of the car is a smaller version of a 1969 Corvette Stingray in the front, and the look of an 80's Porsche 944 in the back. The car was totaled and never ran, but I loved to sit in it and pretend I was driving at ridiculous speeds. There were many days when I would sit in it for hours pretending that I was being chased by the cops or that I was an officer in high speed persuit. Now that I am an adult I have moved out of the play stage, and moved strait into the real life version my 1969 Opel GT. There's a good chance that if you have been outside on campus lately you've seen me tooling around in it, usually toting a friend to a class. I fell in love with this type of car when I was young, and it now has become my most favorite possession. Pictured above (my little brother Chris with my Opel)

Monday, April 14, 2008

T.V.!!!! Yeah We Love It!!!

As you're surfin the channels daily trying to find something to watch, would you like to see something for mere entertainment or would you like to see something that might educate or motivate you? I know that when I turn on the tv the first thing I do is hit 40 on the remote. Yup Home and Garden Television (HGTV). One of my favorite shows is Design on a Dime. This show teaches you how to decorate your house or apartment with a rather small budget, and make it look good. I think that this is an especially good show because I am in college, and I still like my living space to look good. There are tons of helpful hints on this show to fit any budget, even that of a poor college kid. This show can teach you anything from how to grout your bathroom to how to dress up a cardboard box and make it an effective ottoman. As college students I think that is is imperative that we know how to cut costs as well as possible, and still be able to live the life we please.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


The last time I can remember having a rather uncomfortable thought or emotion was April 9th. The thought was generated when I was asked to put on the internet the last time I had a extreme emotion. The first thing that came to mind was wow. I really don't want at all to do this. So I am using that though. It is unusual that I don't want to tell someone the way I feel or the way I have felt, but there are just those days when I don't want to put my heart on my sleeve. Sorry that's all I've got for now.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Quit Smoking Ads by Philip Morris

While watching tv you may notice ads by Philip Morris company and other cigarette companies that are marketed as encouragement to quit smoking. When a non-smoking viewer watches these commercials they may think that these companies are doing one good thing to offset all of the adverse effects that smoking cigarettes has on the world. On the other hand when a smoker, like myself, watches these commercials they, rather than make us think about quitting, give us the urge to go have a cigarette. Are there hidden intentions behind stop smoking ads? What does the company really want for their consumer, and what legitimate programs are available to help smokers quit?