Sunday, February 22, 2009

Wow How Bout Those Youngins

So now that I am a proud uncle I view some things very differently than I used to. A few of those are children's behavior, punishment, and the sanctity of life. I recently watched a video of a young person being beaten relentlessly. Keep in mind that this young lady was out numbered like 8-1. I am disgusted that this kind of vile behavior exists, and to make matters worse the assailants (after the fact) had no remorse. What is our society turning into when our young people are committing hanis crimes by making their victim powerlessly outnumbered. Being a brand new uncle I must say that if anything similar would ever happen to my neice or in the event I have daughters their assailents will not get to ask for judicial leniency. They will receive citizen enforced capital punishment. To all parents. Lets band together and let our children know right from wrong, and set our country right. One Generation At A Time.